Shoutout to all of us troopers taking summer classes! Whether you are doing it to graduate early, lighten your load for the next semester, or catch up, you are going above and beyond during what could be your off time. With the responsibility of summer classes, it is important to stay motivated and on top of your work, even if it is tempting to prioritize other summer activities. Here are some tips and encouragement to help you grind through your schoolwork.
Remember That This is Still Your Summer Vacation
With the busyness of classes, do not forget that the sun is still out and there are plenty of things to enjoy this summer. If you are taking online classes, you can still go on trips and spend time with friends and family. Even if you are attending in-person classes, remember it is still summer. Do not let the stress of summer classes take away the enjoyment and vibe of the season. Last summer, I was a full-time student but still found time to enjoy myself.
Set Goals
Setting goals is crucial for summer classes. It is easy to care less about school during the summer since our brains are partly on vacation mode. You might be taking fewer classes or they may be spread out, so use your time wisely. Goals can include improving your GPA, studying for a set amount of time each day, having weekly review sessions, and more. Personally, I aim to work on schoolwork for two hours a day to stay ahead and improve my GPA since my workload is lighter.
Do Not Procrastinate
This might be the hardest tip to follow during the summer. Summer is about free time and fun, which can make it tempting to neglect schoolwork and push it off to the last minute, leading to more stressful days. Avoiding procrastination takes discipline, but it is essential to stay on top of your studies during the summer.
Stay Consistent
Consistency is key. Not procrastinating, setting goals, and aiming to improve your GPA can help you stay on top of your work. We want to remain consistent to continue enjoying the summer. Consistency can also help you get your work done faster. This summer, I went on a camping trip where I knew I would not have service for a week in the woods, so I stuck to my schedule the week beforehand and completed work in advance. That way, I did not have to think about it while camping.
Make Friends with Your Summer Classmates
This one is key. Even though I am out of state for the summer taking online classes, I stay in contact with my classmates, even those I have never met in person. Start a WhatsApp chat, GroupMe, or any other app that allows you to connect with others in your class. This support system can be invaluable for asking questions and providing emotional support since everyone is dealing with the same assignments and deadlines. Usually students can go through the class roster and send out an email to everyone in the class with a group chat link. Do not study alone this summer!
Happy studying, friend! I’m so proud of you for your hard work and dedication during this time. Keep up the great work!